Gotovie Programmi Dlya Lego Mindstorms

Gotovie Programmi Dlya Lego Mindstorms

Robotics within the subject “Technology” is included in the curriculum of Russian schools. This fact transforms robotics from the subject of additional education into a full-fledged academic subject of the school curriculum. The introduction of robotics into the curriculum of Russian schools requires significant changes in the system of training teachers who will teach students this discipline.

Peculiarities of domestic and foreign experience of teachers preparation to training robotics.

Training of teachers for the training of students in robotics is carried out, both in the framework of programs for the preparation of masters in pedagogical universities, and within the framework of various refresher courses. Different countries carry out such training in different ways. In some countries, the training of teachers of robotics is financed by the state, in others by private initiatives. The mission of most foreign educational organizations is to use the motivational effects of robotics to activate schoolchildren and involve them in STEM-education.


Many manufacturing companies not only sell robotic equipment, but also prepare methodological and training materials for the implementation of STEM-education technology, as well as create electronic educational resources, training programs, online lessons, evaluation materials and much more. Teaching teachers and schoolchildren, while it is based on the equipment that produces such companies. • Grigor’ev S.G., Grinshkun V.V., Remorenko I.M. «Umnaja auditorija»: ot integracii tehnologij k integracii principov [“Smart audience”: from the integration of technologies to integrate the principles of]. Informatika i obrazovanie [Informatics and education]. • Grinshkun V.V. Teorija i metodika ispol’zovanija ierarhicheskih struktur v informatizacii obrazovanija [Theory and methodology of using hierarchical structures in Informatization of education].

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Gotovie Programmi Dlya Lego Mindstorms

Informatika i obrazovanie [Informatics and education]. • Interv’ju s V.S.

Federal’naja innovacionnaja ploshhadka AGRU [Interview with V.S. Federal innovative platform of AGRA]. URL: TEHFAK/Kaf_teh_i_OPD/ssylki/ Fed_inn.asph/ (accessed: ). • Institut novyh tehnologij [The Institute of new technologies]. URL: (accessed: 1.09.2017).

• Kazahstanskaja associacija robototehniki [Kazakhstan Association of robotics]. URL: (accessed: ). Distancionnye kursy [RAOR. Remote courses]. URL: (accessed: 1.09.2017). • FML 239 [FML 239]. Massovye otkrytye onlajn kursy.

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• Liu A., Newsom J., Schunn C., Shoop R. Autodata 343 crack download. Students Learn Programming Faster Through Robotic Simulation. URL: content/educators/research/files/p1619%20Shoop%20et%20al.pdf (accessed: ). • Paralaxx Inc. Professional Development Courses. URL: teach/professional-development-courses (accessed: ). •

URL: (accessed: ). Resources for learning ROBOTS: environments and framings connecting math in robotics. URL: content/educators/research/files/ SilkEliM2011.pdf (accessed: ). • Silk E.M., Schunn C.D. URL: Resources for Learning Robots Facilitating the Incorporation of Mathematical Models in Students’ Engineering Design Strategies (accessed: ).

• Robotics Academy. ROBOTC in China daily Europe. URL: blog/china-daily-europe/ (accessed: ).