Usb Serial Ch340 Driver Windows 7

Usb Serial Ch340 Driver Windows 7

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I think I just discovered the answer to my own problem based on your feedback. While digging up the information for my response to your questions, I discovered the specific com port that Windows had assigned to the Arduino (USB-SERIAL CH340 (COM11)). I selected that specific Com port in the Arduino program.and behold, it connected and is working just fine! Thank you for your willingness to help - it turns out that Windows already had the driver installed and the error was prominently located somewhere between the keyboard and deskchair.:).

UsbUsb Serial Ch340 Driver Windows 7

Download latest version of verified & working Windows 8.1 x64 & x86 driver for CH340, CH340G USB to Serial converter. CH340 driver for Windows 8.1 x64 & x86. Pastel partner download. Driver details. CH340, CH340G & CH341 (USB-SERIAL chip) V3.4 Driver Version =, 3.4.2014.08.