Meskon Uchebnik Menedzhment 2011

Meskon Uchebnik Menedzhment 2011

In the article economic essence is investigated and the distinguishing signs of categories 'management efficiency' and 'management effectiveness' are distinguished. Authorial determination of concept 'effectiveness of enterprise industrial and economic activity management» is brought as certain socio–economic achievements that have been got as a result of administrative influence and that are subject to the estimation by means of the system of quantitative and qualitative indexes. Importance of realization of management effectiveness estimation is reasonable as necessary pre–condition of determination of directions of enterprise further development and strengthening its competition positions in a market environment. Existent methodical approaches to the estimation of management effectiveness are generalized, basic principles are determined and logical chart of its realization is presented. Yakovleva, A.

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Meskon Uchebnik Menedzhment 2011

Meskon M., Albert, M., Khedoury, F. Osnovy menedzhmenta.

Finansovyy menedzhment. Uchebnik (Russian) Hardcover – 2011. Be the first to review this item. See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions.

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