Gotika 3 Otvergnutie Bogi Prohozhdenie Igri

Gotika 3 Otvergnutie Bogi Prohozhdenie Igri

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Of thousands of years, is moving factors provided by nature. Yellow waves clapping handed down Confucian civilization, Amazon rapids washed out magical Mayan culture, stupid though we still seek the power of less than ten million kinds provided by nature, and civilization, after all, are moving forward. Nature at the right time to pick some of the right people, will be archived own ancient connotation pour out, so he called to find inspiration in an instant, life endowed with elasticity. Modern philosopher Immanuel Kant said. 'Yang Guan stars, forest travel, enough to give me the best chance to meditation,' Li Bai Mao, Goethe, Beethoven.

They have spirit and natural dialogue in silence, touched by nature. Then they carry or the world, or to change the world.The vastness of time and space, we are really insignificant microorganisms. And can such a juvenile with British Gas and uppity age and countless predecessors face the same nature, subject to the same move, it is a fortunate thing in. Regardless of whether the election we do that naturally accept their treasure, as long as the hard work, moved, deep understanding, and all have regrets.Moved, Mother Nature is giving us the magical power of human [url=toms shoes outlet[/url] nature is eternal complex.MovingTurning a leaf, a ginkgo leaf fall quietly.I bend over, pick up, shocked to find that this is the same table gave my junior high school, on the back reads 'treasure, friends!'

Gotika 3 Otvergnutie Bogi Prohozhdenie IgriOtvergnutie

Do not remember whether burst into tears, but now, on the long yellow leaves the drops tears. Remember, this world there is a feeling moved.For a long time, I seem to have forgotten the taste of moving, my heart is cold, or my heart was filled with unimportant things have no space?One of my friends wrote to me saying: 'We will pass, not because of missed, but our lives less words - moving.'

Indeed, it is no longer sensitive to our hearts, we no longer conceal the slightest intention of moving around, only if we miss it, and then look back, I realized that we really lost a lot.Can someone complain that the world is moving things less and less. However, if we stop and think, you will find, in fact, moving ever-present, everywhere.Reading tired parents we cut an apple, is moved; thirsty, friend to help you fight back glass of water is moving; when depressed to give a relief, then, it is moved; when happy, to have friends to share their happiness with you is moving; ordinary days, I received a small blessing, if only petal, leaf, also touched.Ah, every day is how many extraordinary things touched! Perhaps, precisely because of their sometimes mundane can we turn a blind eye. There is a saying. 'The misty rain, and you hold a boat, in the south in the slow roll. Dream, dream, find a soul romantic dream. Quite like that poem.